Workshop 2

Workshop 2: Mitigating Failures: Balancing, Alignment & Vibration Analysis

Condition based maintenance is important from both management and implication perspective. This workshop is a continuance to the previous workshop by providing better understanding on working processes of each approach in Condition-Based Maintenance. The benefits of such a program will be realized in greater equipment reliability and longevity while at the same time enhancing budgetary cost containment goals. By attending this course, it will contribute to sound maintenance and operating decisions to the technician and engineers based on actual equipment performance rather than relying on the old standard of Time-Based Maintenance intervals which is less desirable circumstances or waiting for the equipment to fail in service. This workshop is also suitable for Condition-Based Maintenance managing personnel in gaining enhanced knowledge on working flow in balancing, alignment and vibration analysis approach.

Workshop Benefits:

  • Know the best time to use Condition-Based Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance strategy
  • Expand understanding in most common type of approaches in Condition-Based Maintenance
  • Gain better understanding of the machinery condition information that is available to better operate their machinery.
  • Gain understanding of what precision alignment means, and what affects your ability to achieve good results
  • Learn why is Condition-Based Maintenance more cost effective than traditional Preventive Maintenance
  • Discover the advantages and disadvantages on using Condition-Based Maintenance
Workshop Content:


Preventive Maintenance Limitation
• Traditional belief by most maintenance people
• Infant mortality, random and age-related Failures
• Understanding the 6 types of failure patter
• Understand when Predictive Maintenance is feasible
• Comparing Preventive vs Predictive Maintenance

Understanding the Concept of Condition-Based Maintenance
• Predictive Maintenance defined
• Understanding the P-F interval
• Determining potential failure for equipment
• CBM as a maintenance strategy
• Benefits of a CBM program in your plant

Vibration Signal Characteristics
• What is Vibration?
• Why Measure Vibration in a PdM Program?
• Introduction to Time-Waveforms & Spectra
• Amplitude, Frequency & Shape
• Phase Angle

Vibration Transducers
• Proximity Transducer Systems
• Velocity / Seismoprobes
• Accelerometers
• Tachometers

Portable Data Collectors - Introduction & Operation
• How to acquire machinery vibration data
• Best Practices
• Uploading / downloading routes & data
• Recognizing bad data

Data Collectors vs. Dedicated Analyzers
• Comparison of features & limitations
• Typical field analysis applications

Vibration Severity Criteria
• Vibration Tolerances
• ISO 1940 Balance Quality Grades
• How to Set Alarms in a PdM Program
• Overall vs. Band Alarms

Introduction to Machinery Fault Analysis
• Steady state vs. Transient Speed Analysis
• Identifying Common Machine Faults
• Mechanical Unbalance; Misalignment; Rolling Element
• Bearing Faults; Resonances & Critical


Understanding Rotating Unbalance
• Static, Couple, & Dynamic Unbalance
• Mechanical vs. Electrical Unbalance
• Causes of unbalance

Understanding Phase Angles & Vectors
• Absolute vs. Relative Phase
• Phase Measurement Techniques
• Transferring Phase Measurements to a Rotor
• Vector Plotting, Addition & Subtraction
• Splitting & Combining Balance Correction Weights

Essential Vibration Diagnostics
• Unbalance Characteristics
• Spectra & Orbital Data
• Phase Response Data
• Startup / Shutdown Data
• Slow-roll Runout Compensation

Balancing Single Plane Rotor Systems
• Data Acquisition & Analysis
• Estimating Modal Response
• Determining the “Heavy Spot”
• Determining Trial Weight Amount & Location
• Graphical Results Analysis
• Numerical Results Analysis
• Influence Vector Calculation
• Trim Shot Predictions
• Assessing Measurement Errors
• ‘One Shot’ Balancing Using Influence Vectors

Balancing Multi-Plane Rotor Systems
• Data Acquisition & Analysis
• Analyzing Modal Responses
• Static & Couple Unbalance Review
• Choosing the Best Approach
• Graphical & Results Analysis

Balancing Overhung Rotor Systems
• Data Acquisition & Analysis
• Static & Couple Unbalance
• Graphical Results Analysis
• Numerical Results Analysis

Balancing Best Practices
• Documentation Requirements
• Transducer & Measurement Selection
• Transducer Mounting Locations
• Handling Resonances
• Dealing with Shaft Runout (proximity probe use)
• Thermal Vectors

Vibration and Balance Tolerances
• Vibration Tolerances & Recommended Specifications
• Balance Quality Grades: ISO; API; Navy
• Residual Unbalance Tolerances
• Determining Residual Unbalance after Balancing


Understanding Machinery Alignment
• Introduction & Historical Background
• What is Misalignment?
• Why Worry?
• Symptoms of Misalignment
• Types of Misalignment
• The Alignment Process – Quick Reference & Detailed Listing

Overview of Alignment Techniques
• Rough-in
• Rim and Face Dial Indicator
• Reverse Dial Indicator
• Laser Alignment (OptAlign, Rotalign, etc.)
• Optical Measurements (cold to hot movement)

Rim & Face and Reverse Dial-Indicator Shaft Alignment
• Review of Technique
• Graphical Layout of Machinery
• Acquiring & Plotting Alignment Readings
• What can go wrong?

Vertical Machinery Alignment
• Considerations for Vertical Equipment
• Dial Indicator & Laser Considerations
• Face-Mounted Motor Shim Calculations

Laser-based Shaft Alignment
• Review of Current Technology
• Operating Procedures
• Coupling Results vs. Feet Movements
• Advantages & Limitations of Lasers

Practical Alignment Applications
• Thermal Growth of Different Machine Type
• Cooling Tower Fan Drives – How to Align!
• How to Align Multiple Machine Cases
• Aligning Belt Driven Machinery
• Various Coupling Types

Alignment Tolerances
• Defining Misalignment
• Tolerance Guidelines
• Shaft vs. Coupling Alignment

Real-World Conditions
• Bolt Bound Machinery Feet
• Flexible Foundations & Soft Foot
• Thermal Growth & Casing Deflection
• Pipe Strain

Alignment Best Practices
• Documentation Requirements
• Safety Considerations
• When to stop

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