Workshop 1

Workshop 1: Understanding & Managing CBM


Purchasing new equipment in replacing the aging existing ones will cost an enormous amount of money for organizations. Therefore, preventing the present equipment from breaking down is essential. Many organizations are also facing key decisions on whether to repair or to replace aging physical assets. By applying Condition-Based Maintenance, companies can fully utilize on current assets and save on unnecessary expenses. As many organizations are currently practicing Condition-Based Maintenance, this 1-day introduction workshop is developed to provide better understanding on implementing and measuring results of practicing Preventive Maintenance(PM) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM). This will be covering the essential maintenance operations and also how to handle Condition-Based Project Management from management perspective. This course is intentionally structured to provide insights to the personnel managing Condition-Based Maintenance and also to operation professionals that practicing its approaches in day to day job. It will help the operation personnel to understand management perspective level in overseeing the whole project.

Workshop Benefits:

  • Improves current performance by measuring present Preventive (PM) & Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
  • Define your critical asset repair or replacement problems via life cycle costing.
  • Develop the finest strategic maintenance program for your physical assets.
  • Handle and obtain management buy-in for maintenance programs by justifying with costs versus benefits.
  • Acquire a phased installation or improvement plan for successful implementation.
  • Measure and validate your resulting benefits by benchmarking against best practices.
Workshop Content:

• Participants Review Top 5 Areas for Improvement
• Today’s Maintenance Challenge
• Proactive vs. Reactive Maintenance
• Developing Your Maintenance Excellence Strategy
• Defining where you stand using Maintenance Scorecard

Maintenance Strategy for Your Equipment
• Reliability - Centered Maintenance (RCM)
• Lifecycle Costing – Elevating Repair/Replacement Decisions
• Different Types of Maintenance Strategies and tasks:
- Preventive Maintenance (PM)
- Predictive Maintenance (PdM
- Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
- Continuous Monitoring

Definition of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
• CBM History
• Achieving Effective Maintenance
• CBM goals and benefits
• Case study: Real World PDM Analysis Examples of What You Can Find with CBM 

Essential Elements of CBM
• CBM Policy
• Business Strategy
• RCM Relationship

Implementing CBM
• Creating the CBM Environment
• CBM and the Acquisition Life Cycle
• CBM Planning/Technology Selection Phase
• CBM Implementation Phase
• CBM Operations Phase
• CBM with Wireless Continuous Monitoring

CBM Project Management
• CBM Program Review Checklist
• CBM Management Approach
• CBM Relationships the Other Maintenance Improvement Efforts
• CBM and Total Life Cycle Systems Management
• CBM and Reliability Centered Maintenance
• CBM and Performance Based Logistics
• CBM and Systems Engineering
• CBM and Information Technology Portfolio Management
• CBM and Focused Logistics
• Overcoming Barriers to CBM Implementation

Measuring Success
• Implementation Metrics - How to Measure a Successful Implementation
• How to Measure a Maintenance Program Operating with CBM
• Using Reliable Maintenance Excellence Index to Validate Overall Results

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