Friday, 12 April 2013

Event Overview

Workshop 1: Understanding & Managing CBM

Purchasing new equipment in replacing the aging existing ones will cost an enormous amount of money for organizations. Therefore, preventing the present equipment from breaking down is essential. Many organizations are also facing key decisions on whether to repair or to replace aging physical assets. By applying Condition-Based Maintenance, companies can fully utilize on current assets and save on unnecessary expenses. As many organizations are currently practicing Condition-Based Maintenance, this 1-day introduction workshop is developed to provide better understanding on implementing and measuring results of practicing Preventive Maintenance(PM) and Predictive Maintenance (PdM). This will be covering the essential maintenance operations and also how to handle Condition-Based Project Management from management perspective. This course is intentionally structured to provide insights to the personnel managing Condition-Based Maintenance and also to operation professionals that practicing its approaches in day to day job. It will help the operation personnel to understand management perspective level in overseeing the whole project.

Workshop 2: Mitigating Failures: Balancing, Alignment & Vibration Analysis

Condition based maintenance is important from both management and implication perspective. This workshop is a continuance to the previous workshop by providing better understanding on working processes of each approach in Condition-Based Maintenance. The benefits of such a program will be realized in greater equipment reliability and longevity while at the same time enhancing budgetary cost containment goals. By attending this course, it will contribute to sound maintenance and operating decisions to the technician and engineers based on actual equipment performance rather than relying on the old standard of Time-Based Maintenance intervals which is less desirable circumstances or waiting for the equipment to fail in service. This workshop is also suitable for Condition-Based Maintenance managing personnel in gaining enhanced knowledge on working flow in balancing, alignment and vibration analysis approach.